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Bod-Inc: P-061

Paulus Venetus

Logica magna (ed. Franciscus de Macerata and Jacobus de Fossano).


Analysis of Content

a1r [Title-page.]

a2r Paulus Venetus: Logica magna. Edited by Franciscus de Macerata and Jacobus de Fossano, as stated in the colophon. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam Aristoteles primo priorum dicit . . .’ Partly edited in Pauli Veneti Logica magna. Part I, Fascicule 1: Tractatus de Terminis, ed. N. Kretzmann, Classical and Medieval Logic Texts, 2 (Oxford, 1979); Part I, Fascicule 6: Tractatus de Veritate et Falsitate Propositionis, ed. F. Del Punta and M. M. Adams, Classical and Medieval Logic Texts, 1 (Oxford, 1978); Part I, Fascicule 7: Tractatus de Scire et Dubitare, ed. P. Clarke, Classical and Medieval Logic Texts, 4 (Oxford, 1981); Part I, Fascicule 8: Tractatus de necessitate et contingentia futurorum, ed. C. J. F. Williams, Classical and Medieval Logic Texts, 8 (Oxford, 1991); Part II, Fascicule 8: Tractatus de obligationibus, ed. E. J. Ashworth, Classical and Medieval Logic Texts, 5 (Oxford, 1988).

[rum3v] [Colophon.]

[rum4r] ‘Tabula'.


Imprint: Venice: Albertinus Vercellensis, for Octavianus Scotus, 24 Oct. 1499. Folio.


Collation: a10 b–l8 m6 n4 o–z [et] [con]8 [rum]4.

Types: Types: 135 G, 68 G.

Leaves: 200 leaves, 2-200 so numbered.

Line number: 72 lines and headline (a2r).

Type area: Type area: 248 (256) ×156 mm.

Illustrations: Woodcut initials.


ISTC: ip00232000

Hain: H *12505;

Goff: Goff P‑232;

Proctor: Pr 5149;

Others: BSB‑Ink P‑99; Hillard 1538; Rhodes 1336; Sheppard 4133.

LCN: 14467218


Copy number: P-061(1)

Bound with G‑309; see there for details of binding and provenance.

Size of leaf: 248 × 156 mm.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 2Q 3.5(2).

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