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Bod-Inc: P-070

Paulus, Hieronymus

Practica cancellariae apostolicae (ed. Anthonius Arnaldus), et al.


Analysis of Content

a2r ‘Provinciale omnium ecclesiarum exemplatum a libro canzellarie apostolice.’ Incipit: ‘[I]n ciuitate Romana sunt quinque ecclesie patriarchales et sunt hee . . .’

b7v ‘Modo conuenienter videre de ordinibus et religionibus christianitatis et eorum nominibus per Romanam ecclesiam approbatis'. Incipit: ‘Monachi. Ordo sancti Basilii et caput vocatur Archimandrita . . .’

c1v Paulus, Hieronymus: Practica cancellariae apostolicae. ‘Excerpta ex memorialibus Hieronymi Pauli Barcinonensis litterarum apostolicarum vicecorrectoris.’ Incipit: ‘[C]ontra litteras apostolicas opponitur multipliciter de falsitate . . .’ Edited by Anthonius Arnaldus under the supervision of Franciscus Borgia, as stated in the colophon.

[t1r] ‘Defectus precedentis practice in curia imprimentium interpositi suisque in locis luculentissime correcti'. Incipit: ‘Et primo in quinterno primo sub littera .a. in secunda carta . . .’

[t4r] [Colophon.]


Imprint: Rome: Johann Besicken and Sigismundus Mayer, [not before 11 Aug.] 1493. 4°.


Collation: a–r8 s [t4].


ISTC: ip00161000

Hain: HC 12524 = *13311 = HC, Addenda, 13431;

Goff: Goff P‑161;

BMC: BMC IV 139;

Proctor: Pr 3977;

Others: Oates 1587; Sack, Freiburg, 2692; Sheppard 3162.

LCN: 14444006


Copy number: P-070(1)

Binding: Sixteenth-century German blind-tooled pigskin over pasteboards, with remains of leather ties. Manuscript title ‘Provinciale' at head of the upper cover and at head of the spine in a contemporary hand. Triple fillets form a double frame. On the upper cover, within the outer frame a decorative stamp and a foliate stamp; within the inner rectangle a repeated fleuron. On the lower cover, within the outer frame the decorative stamp. Diagonal triple fillets divide the inner rectangle into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments. At the centre of both covers a floral and foliate stamp.

Size: 200 × 143 × 25 mm.

Size of leaf: 195 × 132 mm.

Provenance: Munich, Royal Library; armorial book-plate: ‘Ex Electorali Bibliotheca Sereniss. Vtriusque Bavariae Ducum'; see Warnecke 1375 (dated 165[ ]); shelfmarks: ‘st. 5 n. 153' in red ink, crossed out by ‘Jus Canon. N. 91' in brown ink, ‘st[a*] g. N. 68' on the upper cover. Purchased via Quaritch from Puttick & Simpson, 25 Feb. 1886, lot 964, for £0. 15. 0.; see Library Bills (1886), 39; circular label at the head of the spine.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 7Q 6.67.

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