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Bod-Inc: P-087

Peraudi, Raimundus, commissary

Summaria declaratio bullae indulgentiarum pro tuitione fidei contra Turcos. Issued 11 Dec. 1488.


Analysis of Content

[a1r] [Peraudi, Raimundus: Introduction.] Incipit: ‘Primo notandum est quod quattuor gratie principaliter conceduntur per dictas bullas . . .’ Explicit: possint dispensandi

[a1r] Innocentius VIII, Pont. Max.: Bulla ‘Domini et salvatoris' (11 Dec. 1488). Incipit: ‘Innocentius episcopus seruus seruorum Dei ad futuram rei memoriam. Domini et saluatoris nostri Ihesu Christi qui pro redempcione humani . . .’ text not found in MBR in 202

[a2r] Peraudi, Raimundus: Summaria declaratio bullae indulgentiarum pro tuitione fidei contra Turcos. Incipit: ‘Et ut Christi fideles vtriusque sexus cuiuscumque status ad dictas ecclesias . . .’ See Nikolaus Paulus, ‘Raimund Peraudi als Ablaßkommissar', Historisches Jahrbuch, 21 (1900), 642-82 at 662-3.


Imprint: [Mainz: Peter Schoeffer, after 11 Dec. 1488]. Folio.


Collation: [a10].

Types: Types: 149 G (headings); 91 G (text).

Leaves: 10 leaves.

Line number: 41 lines ([a2v]).

Type area: Type area: 189 ×125 mm ([a2v]).


ISTC: ii00158300

Hain: H *9208;

Proctor: Pr 126;

Others: BSB‑Ink P‑165; CIBN I‑53; Lehmann-Haupt 117, no. 129; Pellechet MS. 6278 (6254); Sheppard 85.


Copy number: P-087(1)

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf with brown cloth over pasteboards; bound for the Bodleian Library.

Size: 307 × 223 × 9 mm.

Size of leaf: 297 × 214 mm.

Early correction to the text on [a7v].

Provenance: Purchased for £1. 1. 0; see Books Purchased (1855), 32.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 6Q 5.44

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