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Bod-Inc: P-156

Petrarca, Francesco

Trionfi (comm. Bernardo da Siena) e Canzoniere (comm. Franciscus Philelphus) [Italian].


Analysis of Content

Part I.

a2r Bernardo Da Siena: [Prologue addressed to] Borso d'Este, Duke of Modena. Incipit: ‘[P]ublio Cornelio Scipione illustrissimo .P. Nessuna magiore victoria o piu singulare triompho . . .’

a4v Bernardo Da Siena: [Commentary]. Incipit: ‘[D]escriue Messer Francesco il sensitiuo dominio fingendo Cupidine triomphare . . .’ See P‑154.

a4v Petrarca, Francesco: Trionfi. ed. Pacca and Paolino, 47-90 (T Cupidinis I), 135-76 (T Cupidinis III, with 4 extra lines at the end), 183-220 (T Cupidinis IV), 97-128 (T Cupidinis II), 227-64 (T Pudicitie); 543-6 (T Mortis Ia), 271-300 (T Mortis I, without first three lines), 309-46 (T Mortis II), 555-84 (T Fame Ia), 353-88 (T Fame I), 393-428 (T Fame II), 433-70 (T Fame III, ends with extra line: ‘Et poi reuolsi gliochi in altra parte'), 477-504 (T Temporis), 511-38 (T Eternitatis). See Wilkins 388-9 D.XII.

e4v Petrarca, Francesco: [Triumphus Cupidinis III, end]. Incipit: ‘So icostumi et lor sospiri et canti | El parlar rotto, et il subito silentio . . . col assentio'; 4 more lines of verse. ed. Dutschke 276.

gg10r [Register.]

gg10r [Colophon.]

Part II.

a1v Philelphus, Franciscus: ‘Prohemio' [addressed to] Filippo Maria Angelo Visconti, Duke of Milan. Incipit: ‘[F]iano forse alchuni o illustrissimo Principe . . .’

a2r Philelphus, Franciscus: [Commentary]. Incipit: ‘  “[V]oi chascoltate”. Quantunque ilpresente sonetto fusse da messere Francesco Petrarcha . . .’ See P‑154.

a2r Petrarca, Francesco: Canzoniere. ed. Santagata, nos 1, 3, 2, 4-79, 81-2, 80, 83-136. See also P‑151.


Imprint: Venice: Reynaldus de Novimagio and Theodorus de Reynsburch, 1478. Folio.

Remarks: In two parts dated: (I) 6 Feb. 1478; (II) 30 Mar. 1478.


Collation: Part I: a10 b8 c6 d e8 f10 g8 h i6 I8 k8 l–o6.8 p–s6 t10 aa8 bb–ff6 gg10; part II: a8 b6 c8 d–f6 g8 h–o6.


ISTC: ip00381000

Hain: HCR 12767;

Goff: Goff P‑381;

BMC: BMC V 254;

Proctor: Pr 4429-30;

Others: BSB‑Ink P‑280; CIBN P‑184; Fiske, p. 76; Oates 1777-8; Rhodes 1355-6; Sheppard 3567-8.

LCN: 14493266, 14494274


Copy number: P-156(1)

Wanting the blank leaf a1.

Part I (Trionfi) only.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half russia over marbled pasteboards; red-edged leaves.

Size: 289 × 207 × 43 mm.

Size of leaf: 281 × 192 mm.

Some marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in Italian in brown ink and in Latin in red ink, in a humanist hand. ‘Amantissimo signor Gioan Batista' among pen-trials on a2r. An architectural drawing of a group of buildings in red crayon on o1v and of a boat, probably Noah's Ark, on t2v; for this copy see Dondi, ‘Censimento di incunaboli', 682 no. 4.

On a2r an initial is supplied in pink within a square gold ground, the area defined by the letter decorated in blue, green, and pink. A foliate and floral border covering three-quarters of the page is supplied in pink, green, and blue with gold dots and spiralling pen-work; the border is enclosed by red and gold lines; see Pächt and Alexander II, 114 no. pr. 126 (Bologna?); the decoration is of the Ferrara style, popularized in Venice by the 1460s; see Lilian Armstrong, ‘The Impact of Printing on Miniaturists in Venice after 1469', Printing the Written Word: The Social History of Books, circa 1450-1520, ed. Sandra Hindman (Ithaca, NY, and London, 1991), 174-202, at 182. Other initials are supplied in red or blue.

Provenance: Galeotto Pico della Mirandola (1442-1499)(?); arms: or, a fess gules, in chief two escutcheons barry of six azure and gules, and a base chequy azure and argent. Purchased for £2. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1843), 39.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 2Q 6.59.

Copy number: P-156(2)

Part II (Canzoniere) only. Leaf a1 repaired.

Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) paper boards, with manuscript title at head of the spine.

Size: 294 × 205 × 18 mm.

Size of leaf: 288 × 196 mm.

Marginal notes in Spinetus' hand, mostly comments disagreeing with Petrarch's commentary; for this copy see Dondi, ‘Censimento di incunaboli', 682 no. 5.

Provenance: Paulus Spinetus (fifteenth century); inscription on o6v: ‘Pauli. Spi. Tar. et amicorum Codex'. Below, in the same humanist hand: ‘Cassandra die xj octobris M.cccclxxxj'. Purchased from Harding & Lepard, catalogue (1830), no. 4085 for £3. 3. 0; see Library Bills (1829-32), no. 19 and Books Purchased (1829), 17; ‘purcd 1829' on a1r.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 2Q inf. 1.15.

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