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Bod-Inc: P-367

Plinius Secundus, Gaius (Pliny the elder)

Historia naturalis (ed. Philippus Beroaldus).


Analysis of Content

aa2r Plinius Secundus, Gaius Caecilius: [Letter addressed to] ‘Marcus' [Baebius Macrus]. Plin. Ep. 3. 5.

aa2r Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius: De viris illustribus [extract]. ‘Svetonii Tranquilli in libro de viris illustribus'. See P‑358.

aa2r Plinius Secundus, Gaius Caecilius: [Letter addressed to] Tacitus. Plin. Ep. 6. 16.

aa2v Tertullianus, Quintus Septimus Florentius: Apologeticum [exc. cap. 2.6-7]. ‘Item Tertulliani in apologetico'. Tert.

aa2v Eusebius Caesariensis: Chronicon. ‘Item ex libris de temporibus Eusebii Caesariensis'. See P‑359.

aa3r Plinius Secundus, Gaius: Historia naturalis. Edited by Philippus Beroaldus. Plin. Nat. Book 37 ends with ‘ambitur mari' (37,13,77,203); see Sabbadini, ‘Le edizioni', 445 and Labarre no. 10.

H7v [Colophon.]

H8r [Beroaldus, Philippus]: ‘Correctiones'. Incipit: ‘In libro .iii. ubi sermo fit . . .’ These are the corrections of Beroaldus contained in his letter to Ravacaldus first printed in Parma by Stephanus Corallus in 1476 (Pr 6842), the personal matter at the beginning and end of the letter omitted here.


Imprint: Venice: Marinus Saracenus, 14 May (14 June) 1487. Folio.

Remarks: Some copies have a colophon dated 14 June (BMC V 414).


Collation: aa8 bb6 a–z & A–G8 H10.


ISTC: ip00795000

Hain: HC (+ Addenda), *13096;

Goff: Goff P‑795;

BMC: BMC V 413;

Proctor: Pr 5157;

Others: BSB‑Ink P‑606; CIBN P‑466; Oates 2020; Sack, Freiburg, 2925; Sheppard 4109.

LCN: 14014343


Copy number: P-367(1)

Wanting leaves aa2 and aa8, sheet f2.7, and the blank leaves aa1 and H10. The final digit of the signatures of aaiii and aaiiii erased.

Binding: Eighteenth-century mottled calf, the spine gold-tooled. Red-edged leaves, marbled pastedowns, and light green silk bookmark.

Size: 305 × 215 × 55 mm.

Size of leaf: 295 × 200 mm.

‘7476' in pencil on verso of front endleaf. Some marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and concepts, in an early hand; other notes of the same kind and manuscript foliation: 1-258, in a sixteenth-century hand.

Provenance: Purchased for £0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased (1841), 31.

SHELFMARK: Auct. Q 2.23.

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