Bod-Inc: P-442
Pontificale Romanum (ed. Jacobus de Lutiis and Johannes Burchardus)
Analysis of Content
[*1v] Lutiis, Jacobus De, Episcopus Caiacensis: Epistola [addressed to] Raphael Riarius, Cardinal of S. Georgius. M. Dykmans, Le pontifical romain révisé au XVe siècle, Studi e Testi, 311 (Vatican City, 1985), 127 n. 1.
[*2r] Patritius de Picolominibus, Augustinus: [Letter addressed to] Innocentius VIII, Pont. Max. See P‑441.
[*3r] Pontificale Romanum. ‘Pontificalis ordinis liber'. Edited by Jacobus de Lutiis and Johannes Burchardus. A revised edition of the 1485 edition of the Roman Pontifical by Augustinus Patritius and the same Burchardus.
[*3r] [List of contents.] See P‑441.
a1r [Prima pars: de benedictionibus ordinationibus et consecrationibus personarum]. ‘De chrismandis in fronte'. Incipit: ‘[P]ontifex pueros seu infantes vel alios sacri baptismatis vnda perfusos in fronte chrismare volens . . .’ See Dykmans 111-16.
m4r [Secunda pars: de consecrationibus et benedictionibus rerum]. See Dykmans 116-19.
y2r [Tertia pars: de quibusdam sacramentis et ecclesiasticis officiis]. See Dykmans 119-23.
Imprint: Rome: Stephan Plannck, 16 Aug. 1497. Folio.
Collation: [*4] a–z A–D8 E F6.
Illustrations: Woodcut initials.
ISTC: ip00934000
Hain: HC *13287 = 13286;
Goff: Goff P‑934;
Proctor: Pr 3721;
Others: Bohatta, Lit. Bibl., 778; BSB‑Ink P‑710; CIBN P‑580; Hillard 1683; Meyer-Baer 230; Sheppard 2978, 2979.
LCN: 14089524
Copy number: P-442(1)
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf over pasteboards; bound for the Bodleian Library; the spine gold-tooled, with the gold stamp of the Library on both covers.
Size: 340 × 235 × 45 mm.
Size of leaf: 330 × 214 mm.
On front endleaf and on [*1r] additional ceremonials in manuscript: ‘In publicatione cardinalium nouorum . . .venti vere sunt expectantes in cappella Nicolai pape de Ursinis [Nicolaus III 1277-80] . . .' On rear endleaf, manuscript record of the consecration of Rucellai as Bishop of Pesaro, 20 Oct. 1499; also a copy of the epitaph of Gentilis de Becchi, Bishop of Arezzo 1473-97, and the form of vow for the profession of a Benedictine nun in the same diocese: ‘Ego soror Cristina promitto stabilitatem meam et conuersionem morum meorum et obedientiam coram Deo sanctis eius, secundum regulam sancti patris mei Benedicti in hoc monasterio quod constructum est in honorem Dei et Beate Marie virginis in presentia reuerendissimi in Christo P. et D. D. N. Dei gratia et apostolice sedis episcopi Aretini et domine N. abatisse et aliarum sororum dicti monasterii vt post obitum meum in celestibus regnis cum Christo merear consortium obtinere'. Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and pointing hands, in Rucellai's hand.
On a1r a nine-line initial ‘P' is supplied in gold within a square green ground decorated with yellow foliate decorations, with the body of the letter in red decorated with the same foliate decoration; outside the green ground a blue flower with gold dots; see Pächt and Alexander II, 109 no. pr. 55 (Florence).
Provenance: Francesco Rucellai (fl. 1499-1504), Bishop of Pesaro; inscription on the verso of the first front endleaf, in red ink: ‘Reuerendi in Cristo Patris Domini et Domini Francisci De orocellarijs (Rucellai) de Florentia, Dei et Apostolice Sedis gratia Episcopi Pisauriensis liber'. On a1r over the arms of Rucellai has been painted a coat of four quarters: 1 and 3, Medici; 2, Minerbetti (gules, 3 swords meeting in base azure, hilts in chief or); 4, not distinguishable, largely covered with blue pigment. The arms, surmounted by a bishop's mitre, are those of Francesco Minerbetti (†1543), Bishop of Arezzo. Purchased for £1. 11. 6; see Books Purchased (1825), 21.
SHELFMARK: Auct. Q sup. 2.1.
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