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Bod-Inc: P-519


Psalterium Benedictinum (Congregationis Bursfeldensis).


Analysis of Content

[A1r] [Psalterium Benedictinum.] The psalter, with antiphons etc. arranged according to the monastic use of the Union of Bursfeld (Congregatio Bursfeldensis), also known as the Observantia per Germaniam, was made for the Benedictine monastery of S. Jacobus, in Mainz; see the reference in the colophon: ‘ad laudem dei ac honorem sancti Iacobi est consummatus . . .' and F. Geldner, ‘Um das Psalterium Benedictinum von 1459', Gb Jb (1954), 71-83; for the calendar of the congregation see A. Rosenthal, Martyrologium und Festkalender der Bursfelder Kongregation, Beiträge zur Geschichte der alten Mönchtums und des Benediktinertums, 35 (Münster, 1984), 262.

[I2r] [Ordinarium officii.]

[L2v] [Cantica.] See P‑495, nos 1-11, 13-15. It follows a selection of canticles for specific times of the liturgical year, advent, the nativity, quadragesima, ‘de resurrectione domini'; then for the common of saints; BMC records as canticles of the third nocturns.

[N1r] [Hymnarius.] Hymns for the principal feasts of the liturgical year.


Imprint: [Mainz]: Johann Fust and Peter Schoeffer, 29 Aug. 1459. Folio.


Collation: [A–E10 F8+2 G–L10 M8 N10 O8].

Illustrations: Woodcuts.


ISTC: ip01062000

Hain: H *13480;

Goff: Goff P‑1062;

BMC: BMC I 19;

Proctor: Pr 65;

Others: Bohatta, Lit. Bibl., 949; BSB‑Ink P‑851; CIBN P‑668; de Ricci, Mayence, 55; Meyer-Baer p. 42; Oates 20; Sheppard 26. Microfiche: Unit 1: Mainz to 1480.

LCN: 14086187


Copy number: P-519(1)

Leaves [F1-3] (fols 51-3) are made up from a copy measuring 412 × 310 mm. The text of [F1] (fol. 51) is correctly printed; see BMC p. 20 and see Martin Boghardt, ‘The Second Disturbance in Quire F: an Unsolved Mystery in Fust and Schöffer's “Psalterium Benedictinum” of 1459', in The German Book 1450-1750: Studies Presented to David L. Paisey in His Retirement, ed. J. L. Flood and W. A. Kelley (London, 1995), 9-21: leaf [F1] is a cancel as in most copies; leaves [F5-6] (fols 55-56) are conjugate and leaf [F6] (fol. 56) is in the original setting; see Boghardt at 15-16.

On parchment.

Binding: Sixteenth-century blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with three metal corner-pieces and two metal clasps and catches, the rest lost. Rebacked with blind-tooled pigskin at an early stage. Seven concentric frames each decorated with a different decorative roll. Leather index tabs.

Size: 500 × 350 × 65 mm.

Size of leaf: 480 × 340 mm.

Some interlinear corrections in black ink in an early hand. Manuscript alterations in a seventeenth-century German hand, on strips of paper pasted in the appropriate places, in order to bring the copy into agreement with the Benedictine Breviary of Paul V (1605-21). In the same hand, manuscript foliation in the middle of the upper margin of the rectos and versos: 1-238. ‘Psalterium pro choro ad(?) modum reverendi patris prioris' in brown ink on front pastedown, in an eighteenth-century(?) hand.

Occasional initials are supplied in brown ink or in red and blue.

Provenance: Purchased for £70. 0. 0 from Payne & Foss, A Catalogue of Books Now Selling at the Prices Affixed to Each Article (London, 1819), no. 1146; see Books Purchased (1819), 6 and Macray p. 304. Leaves [F1-3] were supplied to Payne by Van Praet; see de Ricci, Mayence, 57 nos 3 and 6.

Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. M 1.17.

SHELFMARK: Arch. B a.1.

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