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Bod-Inc: P-538

Pucci, Antonio

Contrasto degli uomini e delle donne [Italian].


Analysis of Content

a1r [Title-page.]

a1v [Pucci, Antonio]: Contrasto degli uomini e delle donne. Incipit: ‘Nuoua question di femina e tristitia | ua amaestrando chi tista audire'; terza rima.


Imprint: [Florence: Lorenzo Morgiani, between 1496 and 1497]. 4°.


Collation: a6.

Types: Type: 85 R.

Leaves: 6 leaves, 2 columns.

Line number: Four eight-line stanzas to the column, with spaces.

Type area: Type area: 151 ×121 mm (a2r).

Illustrations: Woodcut on a1r: on left, two men standing, one disputing with two women; in background, a house, a man looking out of a window to right; see Kristeller 215.e(?). Lombard on a1v.

Remarks: Leaf a1r, title: ‘¶ Elcontraſto deglihuomini& delle donne ||'; [woodcut]; a1v: ‘Nuoua [qui] ſtiō difemina e/ triſtitia | . . .'; a6v, colophon: ‘¶ Finito ilcontraſto deglhuomini & delle donne'.


ISTC: ip01100600

Proctor: Pr 6386;

Others: Sander 2143; Sheppard 5257-8.


Copy number: P-538(1)

Binding: Nineteenth-century(?) red morocco, by Bauzonnet-Trautz, three gold fillets on the covers and the spine gold-tooled. Gilt-edged leaves, marbled pastedowns, and green silk bookmark.

Size: 210 × 143 × 4 mm.

Size of leaf: 209 × 138 mm.

‘735' in brown ink on a slip of paper now pasted onto front endleaf.

Provenance: Guglielmo Bruto Icilio Timoleone, Conte Libri Carrucci della Sommaia (1803-1869); sale (28 June 1847), lot 1470, evidently bought in; purchased at sale (1 Aug. 1859), lot 735. Not identified in Books Purchased (1859).

SHELFMARK: Mortara adds. 59.

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