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Bod-Inc: R-056

Reuchlin, Johannes

Vocabularius breviloquus, et al.


Analysis of Content

[*1v] [Amerbach, Johannes(?): Address to the reader and list of contents.] Incipit: ‘Sunt qui sibi iam plurima comparare volumina statuerunt . . .’ The text refers to emendations and printing in Basel.

[*2r] Guarinus Veronensis: [Letter addressed to] Valerius Florus. Incipit: ‘[N]on sine causa factum esse certo scio quod diphthonganda vocabula . . .’

[*2r] Guarinus Veronensis: De diphthongis. Incipit: ‘Diphthongus est duarum vocalium . . .’ See Sabbadini 48-49.

[*3v] [Johannes de Lapide pseudo-; Fichetus, Guilelmus]: De arte punctandi. ‘Compendiosus de arte punctandi dialogus'. Incipit: ‘[D]iscipulus. Salue magister egregie. Magister. Et tu charissime adolescens . . .’ On authorship see R‑055.

[*3v] ‘Tractatus de accentu'. Incipit: ‘[A]ccentus est artificiosa modulatio vocis in significatiua prolatione . . .’

a1r [Reuchlin, Johannes]: Vocabularius breviloquus. Incipit: ‘  “[A]aa domine deus ecce nescio . . .” Hieremie primo [Ier 1,6]. Licet istud verbum propheticum ab ipso propheta alio fine sit enarratum . . .’ See R‑055.


Imprint: Basel: [Johann Amerbach], 1481. Folio.


Collation: [*6] a–r10 ſ8 s10 t8 u v vv x10 y12 1–510 6 78 810.


ISTC: ir00158000

Hain: C 6287;

Goff: Goff R‑158;


Proctor: Pr 7559;

Others: Benzing 4; BSB‑Ink R‑146; Hillard 1733; Sack, Freiburg, 3052; Sheppard 2410.

LCN: 14062981


Copy number: R-056(1)

Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the Bodleian Library. Parchment index tabs. Early manuscript title on a rectangular piece of parchment now pasted on the front pastedown.

Size: 315 × 231 × 65 mm.

Size of leaf: 306 × 205 mm.

A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in an early German hand in dark brown ink. ‘785' and ‘B' in pencil on front endleaf.

On a1r a 14-line initial ‘A' is supplied in green with lighter green acanthus-leaf decoration within a square red ground with gold pen-work decoration edged in blue and black; from the letter some foliate extension into the margins. On 11r a 14-line initial ‘P' and on 76v a 14-line initial ‘C' are supplied in interlocked red and blue with blue and red pen-work decoration. Other initials, chapter heading underlining, and capital strokes in red. Occasional initials are supplied in blue.

Provenance: Rupertus Köldrer (fifteenth century); inscription on [*1r]: ‘Rupertus Köldrer'. Acquired by the mid-1850s, from the evidence of the Bodleian binding.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 5Q 3.6.

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