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Bod-Inc: S-032

Sallustius Crispus, Gaius

Opera: Bellum Catilinae (comm. Laurentius Valla); Bellum Iugurthinum (comm. Johannes Chrysostomus Soldus), et al. (ed. Pomponius Laetus, rev. Johannes Britannicus).


Analysis of Content

a1r [Title-page.]

a1v Laetus, Julius Pomponius: [Letter addressed to] Augustinus Maffeus. Incipit: ‘M. Valerius Probus unicae uetustatis amator cum animaduertisset . . .’ On this preface see S‑028.

a2r Sallustius Crispus, G[aius]: Bellum Catilinae. ‘De coniuratione L. Ser. Catilinae'. All works in this volume are edited by Pomponius Laetus and revised by Johannes Britannicus; see his prefatory letter and title-page. Sal. Cat.

a2r Valla, Laurentius: ‘In C. Crispi Salustii Catilinarium Comentarii'. Incipit: ‘[O]mnis homines [Sal. Cat. I.1] Patritia gente Crispus Salustius Romae natus . . .’ See S‑028.

e2r [Soldus], Johannes Chrysostomus: [Letter addressed to] Bartholomeus Soldus. Incipit: ‘Dedi operam mi frater, ut Salustii de bello Iugurthino interpretationem incoharem . . .’ Sent from the monastery of S. Leonardus, near Verona, on 5 Jan. 1470, announcing that he has begun work on his commentary on Bellum Iugurthinum.

e2r [Soldus], Johannes Chrysostomus: [Letter addressed to] Bartholomeus Soldus. Incipit: ‘Mitto ad te expositionem in Salustium de bello Iugurthino sicuti eram pollicitus . . .’ Sent from Padua on 15 July 1470, asking his brother Bartholomeus to act as proof-reader of the finished commentary.

e2v [Soldus], Johannes Chrysostomus: [Life of Sallust.] Incipit: ‘Salustius ciuis Romanus Senatorii ordinis fuit . . .’ Chrysostomus seems to draw on the Vitae of Sallust which circulated in the fifteenth century.

e3r Sallustius Crispus, G[aius]: Bellum Iugurthinum. ‘De Bello Iugurthino'. Sal. Jug.

e3r [Soldus], Johannes Chrysostomus: ‘Commentaria in bellum Iugurthinum'. Incipit: ‘[F]also queritur [Sal. Jug. I.1]. Iniuste, inquit, homines conqueruntur de natura sua . . .’

q3v Porcius Latro, [Marcus pseudo-]: ‘Declamatio contra Lucium Sergium Catilinam'. Incipit: ‘[S]i quid precibus apud deos immortales sanctissimi iudices uobiscum aliquando ualuissemus . . .’ See S‑028.

r3r Sallustius Crispus, G[aius]: Ex libris Historiarum [orationes]. ‘Oratio Lepidi consulis ad populum'. Sal. Hist. See S‑028.

s1r [Sallustius Crispus, Gaius pseudo-(?): Epistulae] ad Caesarem senem de re publica. Sal. Epist. For the ascription of this work to Sallust see S‑028.

s5r [Laetus, Julius Pomponius]: ‘C. Crispi Salustii Vita.’ Ullman, ‘Dedication Copy', 368. See S‑028.

s5r Sallustius [Crispus], G[aius pseudo-]: ‘Inuectiua in Ciceronem'. [Sal.] Cic. On the authorship see S‑013.

s5v Cicero, M[arcus] T[ullius pseudo-]: ‘Responsio contra C. Salustium'. [Cic.] Sal. On the authorship see S‑013.

t1v [Sergius] Catilina, Lucius [pseudo-]: ‘Oratio responsiua in M. T. Ciceronem'. See S‑015.


Imprint: Brescia: Bernardinus de Misintis, for Angelus and Jacobus Britannicus, 13 Jan. 1495. Folio.


Collation: a–d6 e4 f–i K l–s6 t4.

Illustrations: Woodcut initials.


ISTC: is00082000

Hain: H 14230;

Goff: Goff S‑82;


Proctor: Pr 7028;

Others: BSB‑Ink S‑48; Sheppard 5808. Microfiche: Unit 24: Italian Humanism: Part I, IH 74.

LCN: 14077078


Copy number: S-032(1)

Binding: Eighteenth-century half calf over paper boards; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.

Size: 326 × 223 × 26 mm.

Size of leaf: 315 × 207 mm.

Marginal notes in Vaddère's hand, supplying underlining, ‘nota' marks, brackets, extracting key phrases and adding comments on the text. Notes in his hand on the recto of the second front endleaf.

On a1r a six-line initial ‘O' in a foliate style is supplied in grey on a painted red square containing blue flowers and gold pen-work within and around the body of the initial. On e3r a six-line epigraphic initial ‘F' is supplied in grey with a blue foliate decoration, on a painted yellow square containing pink flowers and gold pen-work. On q3v a five-line initial ‘S' is supplied in the form of a scaly serpent, on a painted red square filled with gold pen-work. Capitals are touched with yellow.

Provenance: Jean Baptiste de Vaddère (1640-1691); ‘Ex libris J. B. de Vaddere' on the recto of the front pastedown. Richard Baynes; ‘Purchased of Baynes 1826'. Purchased for £1. 14. 0; see price in pencil on the recto of the front endleaf and Books Purchased (1826), 15.

SHELFMARK: Auct. N inf. 2.17.

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