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Bod-Inc: S-064

Savagetus, Johannes

Oratio lamentabilis ad Papam Sixtum IV super turbatione ecclesiae Constantiensis, et al.


Analysis of Content

[a1r] Savagetus, Johannes: Oratio lamentabilis ad Papam Sixtum IV super turbatione ecclesiae Constantiensis. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam beatissime pater aput vestram sanctitatem stat zelus . . .’ The author argues the validity of the election of Ludovicus de Freiberg (†1484, Bishop of Constance 1474, resigned before 1479) to the see of Constance against Otto [IV] de Sunnenberg (†1491, Bishop of Constance 1475-91); see Gams 272.

[b1r] Savagetus, Johannes: Tractatus super controversia ecclesiae Constantiensis. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sunt quamplurimi ciuitatis et diocesis Constantiensis ecclesiastici et seculares . . .’ NO EDITION


Imprint: [Rome: Wolf Han, after 12 Dec. 1476]. Folio.


Collation: [a4 b10 c8].


ISTC: is00165500

Hain: H *14329;

Goff: Goff, Supplement, S‑165;


Proctor: Pr 3372-3;

Others: BSB‑Ink S‑118; CIBN S‑73; Sack, Freiburg, 3170 (II); Sheppard 2859.

LCN: 14488929


Copy number: S-064(1)

Bound with G‑048; see there for details of binding and provenance.

Size of leaf: 266 × 183 mm.

Wanting the blank leaf [c8]. Gathering [a] bound at the end.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.14(5,4).

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