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Bod-Inc: S-102

Savonarola, Michael

De balneis et thermis naturalibus omnibus Italiae.


Analysis of Content

A1r [Title-page.] ‘De omnibus mundi balneis'.

A1v ‘Tabula'.

A2r Savonarola, Michael: [Preface addressed to] Borsius d'Este. Incipit: ‘[C]um generosum animum tuum que maxime delectarent . . .’

A2v Savonarola, Michael: De balneis et thermis naturalibus omnibus Italiae. Incipit: ‘[A]pud veteres medicos balneum stupha lauacrum . . .’ See Thorndike–Kibre 117; A. Segarizzi, Della vita e delle opere di Michele Savonarola medico padovano del secolo XV (Padua, 1900), 18-19.


Imprint: Venice: Christophorus de Pensis, de Mandello, 20 Nov. [1496]. Folio.


Collation: A–D6 E F4.


ISTC: is00292000

Hain: HC *14492 = H 14495;

Goff: Goff S‑292;

BMC: BMC V 470;

Proctor: Pr 5241;

Others: BSB‑Ink S‑180; Sack, Freiburg, 3176; Sheppard 4316.

LCN: 14076736


Copy number: S-102(1)

Bound with:
1. Curius Lancilottus Pasius, De litteratura. Parma: Francesco Ugoleto and Ottaviano Salado, 15 July 1514;
2. Diomedes, [De arte grammatica.] Venice: Cesare Arrivabene, 24 Sept. 1522;
3. Albertus Magnus, Opus tripartitum. Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 29 Mar. 1503;
4. Marcus Antonius Sabellicus, Opera. Venice: Albertinus Vercellensis, 1502;
5. Laurentius Valla, Elegantiae de lingua latina. Venice: Christophorus de Pensis, 7 Aug. 1505.

Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; rebacked. Turquoise-edged leaves; ‘10' in black ink across the fore-edge.

Size: 296 × 210 × 80 mm.

Size of leaf: 283 × 193 mm.

Some marginal notes in a number of sixteenth-century humanist hands in item 1 only.

Provenance: Item 1 appears in James, Catalogus (1605), 367 (P 4.4 [Art]). Item 3 belonged to John Barcham (1572?–1642) who donated it to the Bodleian in 1602; on a piece of paper inserted at the beginning of item 3: ‘Liber vniversitatis Oxon[iensis] ex dono Johannis Barchami Collegii Corporis Christi Oxon[iensis] Socii. Olim A 3 7 Th | A 20 7 Th'; A 3. 7 Th is the shelfmark in James, Catalogus (1605), 3; given that an undated edition of Savonarola, entitled De omnibus mundi balneis, appears in James, Catalogus (1620), 444, with the shelfmark A 3. 7 Th. (still, also, the shelfmark of item 3 in 1620), it must be assumed that this was item 6, and that it and item 3 (at least) were travelling together when they reached the Library, so that item 6 was, also, acquired in 1602.

Former Bodleian shelfmarks: P 5.4 Art; H 4.11 Art.

SHELFMARK: S 3.10(6) Jur.

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