Bod-Inc: S-142
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
De remediis fortuitorum, et al.
Analysis of Content
a1r Seneca, [Lucius Annaeus]: De remediis fortuitorum. ‘Ad Gallionem De remediis fortuitorum'. See S‑140.
b2r Seneca, Lucius Annaeus [pseudo-; Martinus de Braga]: De quattuor virtutibus cardinalibus, sive De formula honestae vitae. See S‑134.
b8r Seneca, Lucius Annaeus [pseudo-; Martinus de Braga]: De moribus. See S‑134.
c4r ‘Epitaphium Senece'. See S‑131.
c4r [Orationes habitae in senatu Atheniensi de recipiendo vel repellendo Alexandro Magno.] ‘Oracio Heschinis'. R. Sabbadini, ‘Antonio da Romagno e Pietro Marcello', Nuovo Archivio Veneto, ns 30 (1915), 207-46, at 241-4. For evidence that these fictitious speeches were at least circulated by, if not invented by, Petrus Marcellus or Leonardus Bruni, see Sabbadini, 222-6, and 244-6 for the Latin textual sources; see also L. Bertalot, ‘Die alteste gedruckte lateinische Epitaphiensammlung', in Collectanea variae doctrinae Leoni S. Olschki (Munich, 1921), 1-28, at 1 and n. 1.
c7r Bernardus Claravallensis [pseudo-; Bernardus Silvestris(?)]: Epistola de gubernatione rei familiaris. PL CLXXXII 647-51; on the authorship see B‑190.
d2r [Proverbia.] Incipit: ‘Quattuor sunt quae per rectorem familie obseruari conueniunt . . .’ expl: malum est loqui multa sed peius loqui turpia BSB‑Ink attributes to Pseudo-Seneca, but the work seems to be a ‘florilegium' which includes extracts from Seneca. On this see Cedrini,`Letteratura sentenziosa', 179-80. See also N. G. Round, ‘The Medieval Reputation of the Proverbia Senecae: A Partial Survey based on Recorded MSS', Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 72 (1972), 103-51, at 135, who mentions florilegia similar or related to the Pseudo-Senecan Proverbia.
d7v [Johannes de Hauvilla]: Architrenius [II, 484-93]. ‘In laudem ciuitatis Parisiensis'. Incipit: ‘Exoritur tandem locus; altera regia Phoebi | Parisius cirrea uiris, crisea metallis'; 11 hexameters. Johannes de Hauvilla, Architrenius, ed. P. G. Schmidt (Munich, 1974), 160, with the author and work discussed at 18-26 and 30-52.
Imprint: [Cologne: Johann Koelhoff, the Elder, c.1473]. 4°.
Collation: a–d8.
ISTC: is00426500
Hain: HC 14660;
Goff: Goff S‑428;
BMC: BMC I 217;
Proctor: Pr 1019;
Others: BSB‑Ink S‑254; CIBN S‑195; Oates 518; Sheppard 784; Voulliéme, Köln, 1069.
LCN: 14053377
Copy number: S-142(1)
Wanting the blank leaves a1 and d8.
Binding: Nineteenth-century paper boards, with a marbled covering.
Size: 208 × 153 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 202 × 143 mm.
Running titles are supplied in a late fifteenth-century German hand in red ink.
Initials are supplied in red ink, some with pen-work, pilcrows, capital strokes, and underlining.
Provenance: Purchased together with S‑163 for £7. 1. 6; see Books Purchased (1855), 55.
SHELFMARK: Auct. Q inf. 1.5.
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