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Bod-Inc: S-178


Textus sequentiarum, cum optimo commento.


Analysis of Content

a1r [Title-page.]

a2r Textus sequentiarum, cum optimo commento. ‘Textus sequentiarum cum optimo commento'. ‘De natiuitate domini'. Incipit: ‘[G]rates nunc omnes reddamus domino deo, qui sua natiuitate . . .’

a2r [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘Iste liber (cuius subiectum est laus diuina) in honore omnipotentis . . .’ The commentary alternates with lines of the text. The sequences are organized according to the liturgical year, from the Nativity to the Resurrection of Christ. It follows the sequences for the common of saints (apostles, evangelists, martyrs, confessors, virgins, dedication of the church), and to the Virgin. It includes, on o1r, the sequence in honour of the Eleven Thousand Virgins. See S‑175.

v8r [List of sequences.]

x1r ‘Sequentie de nouo addite'. Incipit: ‘[L]aus tibi Christe cui sapit quod videtur . . .’

x1r [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘Hanc sequentiam dicitur edidisse beatus Gregorius in honore sanctorum Innocentium . . .’


Imprint: [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 1496]. 4°.


Collation: a–p8.6.6 q8 r–t6 v8 x y6.

Illustrations: Woodcut.


ISTC: is00459000

Hain: HC *14686; C 5379?;

Goff: Goff S‑459;

BMC: BMC I 286;

Proctor: Pr 1428;

Others: Bohatta, Lit. Bibl., 1079; BSB‑Ink S‑290; Schramm VIII p. 23; Schreiber V 5242; Sheppard 1030; Voulliéme, Köln, 1081.


Copy number: S-178(1)

Bound with E‑076; see there for details of binding and provenance.

Size of leaf: 193 × 135 mm.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 1Q 5.11(2).

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