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Bod-Inc: S-215

Simoneta, Johannes

Commentarii rerum gestarum Francisci Sfortiae [Italian] La Sforziada (trans. Christophorus Landinus).


Analysis of Content

a1v Philelphus, Franciscus: Epistola [addressed to] Johannes Simoneta. Incipit: ‘[H]o lecto et molto uoluntera Gioanne Simoneta quelli commentarii . . .’ Dated 10 June 1479.

a2r Landinus, Christophorus: ‘Prohemio' [addressed to] Ludovicus [Maria] Sforza. Incipit: ‘[B]enche molte et excellentissime sieno le tue uirtu illustrissimo Lodouico Sphorza Visconte . . .’

a3v Puteolanus, Franciscus: ‘Oratione' [addressed to] Ludovicus [Maria] Sforza. Incipit: ‘[P]rendo del continuo non mediocre admiratione Lodouico Sphorza principe candidisimo della tua somma et per tucto e numeri perfecta sapientia . . .’

a5r Simoneta, Johannes: La Sforziada. Translated into Italian by Cristophorus Landinus. ‘Proemio . . . ne commentarii delle cosse facte da Francesco Sforza duca de Melanesi'. Incipit: ‘[L]eggendo io alcuna uolta illustrissimo principe et quando l'otio me lo permetteua . . .’

b1r Simoneta, Johannes: La Sforziada. Incipit: ‘[N]e tempi che la regina Giovanna seconda figliuola di Carlo re . . .’ NO EDITION


Imprint: Milan: Antonius Zarotus, 1490. Folio.


Collation: a6 b–Z [et] [con]8 [rum]4.

Remarks: Leaf a2 signed a1, etc.


ISTC: is00534000

Hain: HC 14756;

Goff: Goff S‑534;

BMC: BMC VI 721;

Proctor: Pr 5828;

Others: CIBN S‑280; Hillard 1857; Sheppard 4874. Microfiche: Unit 4: Chronicles and Historiography: Part I, CH 87.

LCN: 14125614


Copy number: S-215(1)

Wanting the blank leaf [rum]4.

Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) diced russia; rebacked with brown morocco.

Size: 350 × 245 × 43 mm.

Size of leaf: 342 × 228 mm.

Frequent marginal notes in Italian, mainly extracting key words, in a sixteenth-century hand, brown ink.

Initials are supplied in gold and various colours by a modern hand.

Provenance: Purchased in 1944 from Davis & Orioli; ‘Bought out of the Finch Fund'; BLR 2,22 (1944), 109.

SHELFMARK: Inc. c. I3.1490.1.

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