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Bod-Inc: S-345

Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius

De Vita Caesarum (comm. Marcus Antonius Sabellicus), et al.


Analysis of Content

a1r Sabellicus, M[arcus] Antonius: [Letter addressed to] Augustinus Barbadicus, Doge of Venice. Incipit: ‘[N]ihil est omnino in tua florentissima republica a qua ego contemplanda nunquam mentis oculos auerto . . .’ Expl.: non paucis gratificatus

a1v Sabellicus, M[arcus] Antonius: Proemium [to the commentary]. ‘C. Suetonii Tranquilli Paraphrasim Proemium'. Incipit: ‘[S]olebam ego saepe mecum reputare quam iniqua esset . . .’ Explicit: nostro minime conferendi; NO EDITION

a2r Sabellicus, M[arcus] Antonius: Commentary [addressed to] Augustinus Barbadicus, Doge of Venice. ‘Paraphraseos in C. Caesarem Dictatorem Paraenesis prima'. Incipit: ‘  “[A]nnum agens Caesar”. Sunt ni fallor uirtutes . . .’

a2r Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius: De Vita Caesarum. See S‑336.

s6v ‘De Suetonio.’ Incipit: ‘Suetonius Lenis tertiae decimae legionis tribunus . . .’ Expl.: ‘scriptorum non uideam’

s7r Sabellicus, [Marcus Antonius]: Vita Suetonii. ‘Tranquilli uita per Sabellicum'. Incipit: ‘C. Suetonius Tranquillus Suetonium lenem . . .’ possit sit certe nemo

s7r Polentonus, Sicco: Scriptores illustres Latinae linguae. ‘Ex libro vii de illustribus scriptoribus'. Incipit: ‘[H]oc quoque in ordine adest memorandus C. Suetonius . . .’ Explicit: mandauerunt. Haec Sicon Polentonus de Caio Suetonio tranquillo See S‑342.


Imprint: Milan: Uldericus Scinzenzeler, 19 Nov. 1491. Folio.

Remarks: BMC suggests that this edition is reprinted from that of Venice: de Tortis, 1490.


Collation: a–f8 g h10 i K l–m8 n–r6 s8.

Illustrations: Woodcut initials.


ISTC: is00823000

Hain: HC 15123;

Goff: Goff S‑823;

BMC: BMC VI 766;

Proctor: Pr 6021;

Others: BSB‑Ink S‑615; Rhodes 1649; Sheppard 4994.

LCN: 14009104


Copy number: S-345(1)

Binding: Eighteenth-century parchment; title in gilt on a green leather label on the spine; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers; sprinkled blue-edged leaves.

Size: 297 × 222 × 31 mm.

Size of leaf: 290 × 205 mm.

Portions of a parchment manuscript, the script faded, used in binding.

Occasional marginal notes in red or black ink in a contemporary cursive Italian hand, supplying corrections to the text, underlining, and brackets, and extracting key words and phrases. Notes on r6v: ‘Secui a manu qui epistolas scribebant | Secui a pedibus quod etiam domum mittebantur . . .’

Capital strokes supplied in red ink.

Provenance: Johannes Decimo(?) Cedolini (seventeenth century); inscriptions on a2r and r6v: ‘Io. decimo Cedolini furl. di [ ] vida'. Carolus Antonius Guciaghus(?) (eighteenth century); inscription on a1r: ‘Ex dono Nobbis Caroli Antonij Guciaghi Amici et Patroni Brixiani Johanni Antonio Gotti Vice Praeto Brixiae 1768'. Johannes Antonius Gottus (fl. 1768). Maffeo Pinelli (1735-1785); Morelli (1787), II 2966; sale (1789), lot 7867; ‘7867' on paper label on the spine. Purchased for £0. 8. 0; see the annotated sale catalogue and Books Purchased (1789), 6.

SHELFMARK: Auct. N 3.30.

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