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Bod-Inc: S-371

Suso, Henricus

Horologium aeternae sapientiae [French] L'orloge de sapience.


Analysis of Content

[*1r] [Title-page.]

[*1v] ‘La table'.

a1r Suso, Henricus: L'orloge de sapience. According to information recorded by the manuscript tradition, this work was translated from Latin into French in 1389 by the Dominican Jehan ‘dessous Aube' (de Souhaube?), at the request of Dimenche de Port, son of the knight Nicole de Port, one of the advisers of Count Heinrich von Bar; see Horologium Sapientiae, ed. Künzle, 251-8, at 252. ‘Prologue' [addressed to a Dominican to whom the work had been sent for approval]. Incipit: ‘[S]alomon en son liure de sapience . . .’

a3r Suso, Henricus: L'orloge de sapience. [Second prologue.] Incipit: ‘Assauoir est que ceste maniere de parler entre sapience et le disciple . . .’

a3r Suso, Henricus: L'orloge de sapience. Incipit: ‘Hanc amaui et exquisiui a iuuentute mea et quesiui eam sponsam michi assumere. Ce son les parolles de Salomon en son liure . . .’ See VL VIII 1109-29.


Imprint: Paris: Antoine Vérard, 15 July 1499. Folio.


Collation: [*]2 a–x6 y4.

Types: Type: 114 B.

Leaves: 132 leaves, the last presumably blank.

Line number: 36 lines (a1r,a), 2 columns.

Type area: Type area: 206 ×144 mm (a1r,a).

Illustrations: Woodcut calligraphic L at the beginning of the title, Macfarlane no. 4, in later stage.

Remarks: Leaf [*1r], woodcut title: ‘Lorloge de ſapience | nouuellement. | imprimee a paris AV.'; [*1v]: ‘¶ Senſuit la table de pre'ent liure . . .'; a1r,a: ‘Cy commence le liure appelle | lorloge de ſapience nouuellemēt | tranſlate de latin en francoys. | Prologue. | [S]Alomon en ſon li= | ure de ſapience ou | premier chapitre dit | . . .'; y3v, colophon: ‘Cy finiſt lorloge de Sapiēce | Imprime a paris le quinzieſme | iour de Juillet mil quattre centz | quattre vings et dixneuf Par | Anthoyne verard libraire demou | rant a paris ſur le pont noſtre da | me a lymaige ſainct Jehan leuan | geliſte / ou au palais au premier | pillier deuant la chapelle ou on | chante la meſſe de meſſeigneurs | les preſidens ∴'.


ISTC: is00877500

Goff: Goff, Supplement, Addenda, S‑877a;

Proctor: Pr 8443;

Others: Horologium Sapientiae, ed. Künzle, 256 no. 2; Macfarlane 59; Sheppard 6265-6.

LCN: 14007484


Copy number: S-371(1)

Wanting y4.

Binding: Nineteenth-century gold and blind-tooled English half calf over marbled pasteboards, marble-edged leaves, endpapers watermarked ‘1812'.

Size: 284 × 206 × 24 mm.

Size of leaf: 206 × 144 mm.

On y1r two words in French in a contemporary hand in black ink. On the front endleaf, manuscript note in Douce's hand providing further bibliographical information extracted from a manuscript copy of the same work in his possession [MS. Douce 198] (` . . . it is said to be written by Frere Jehan dessous Aube de l'ordre des Freres Prescheurs, natif d'Allemagne . . . At the close of the manuscript are verses by which it appears that it was translated at Chateau Neuf in 1399 . . . by Jehan/Jason(?) de Pame religieux natif de Lorraine at the device of maistre Dimense dit du Port').

Provenance: La Ramée, Brabant, Cistercian Nuns; inscription on [*2v]: ‘Ce liure est del librarie del Ramee nr̄e dam̄e'. In the upper margin of [*1r] ‘Duplum' in brown ink. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834.

SHELFMARK: Douce 198.

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