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Bod-Inc: T-012

Tartaretus, Petrus

Tractatus de intensione, rarefactione et condensatione formarum extractus a Gregorio de Arimino et aliis doctoribus.


Analysis of Content

A1r [Title-page.]

A2r [Tartaretus, Petrus: Tractatus de intensione, rarefactione et condensatione formarum extractus a Gregorio de Arimino et aliis doctoribus.] ‘Paruus tractatus de intensione seu augmentatione formarum utilis ad totam phisicam intelligendam'. Incipit: ‘Prima distinctio. Triplex potest esse augmentatio informis . . .’ ‘Ad aliam eodem modo dicatur'.


Imprint: [Paris]: Étienne Jehannot, [c.1495]. 4°.


Collation: A8.

Types: Types: 115 G, 65 G.

Leaves: 8 leaves, 2 columns.

Line number: 46 lines (A2r).

Type area: Type area: 151 ×93 mm (A2r).


ISTC: it00047600

Hain: C 5714;

Proctor: Pr 8346;

Others: Antal Lőkkös, Les Incunables de la Bibliothèque de Genève. Catalogue descriptif (Geneva, 1982), no. 417; Pellechet MS. 10954; Sheppard 6475. Microfiche: Unit 28: Philosophy, Renaissance PH 208.

LCN: 14101228


Copy number: T-012(1)

Bound with A‑138; see there for details of binding and provenance.

Size of leaf: 207 × 140 mm.

A paragraph mark is supplied in red on A1r.

SHELFMARK: Douce 129(2).

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