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Bod-Inc: T-140

Thomas Aquinas

Opuscula (71) (ed. Antonius Pizamanus).


Analysis of Content

See T‑139 for a general discussion on Thomas' Opuscula.

aa1v ‘Tabula'.

aa2r Pizamanus, Antonius: ‘Vita diui Thome Aquinatis'. ‘Prefatio' [addressed to] Augustinus Barbadicus, Doge of Venice. Incipit: ‘[Q]uanquam sine magno labore . . .’

aa2r Pizamanus, Antonius: ‘Vita diui Thome Aquinatis'.’ Incipit: ‘[D]iuus Thoma Landulpho patre Aquini comite Campanie . . .’ See BHL no. 8160; Kruitwagen 31.

aa7r Johannes XXII, Pont. Max.: [Bulla canonizationis.] ‘Copia litterarum canonizationis sancti Thome de Aquino ordinis Predicatorum canonizati per dominum Ioannem papam .22. 1323, 18 die iulii'.’ Incipit: ‘[I]oannes episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Redemptionem misit uas populo suo . . .’ Dated Avignon, 18 July 1323.

aa8v [Officium in festo s. Thomae de Aquino.] ‘Officium quod fit in festo beati Thome de Aquino. In primis vesperis super psalmos. Antiphona'. Incipit: ‘Felix Thomas doctor ecclesie lumen mundi . . .’ The lessons are ‘Legenda ad usum chori' extracted from Bernardus Guidonis, Legenda S. Thomae de Aquino; ed. A. Ferrua in S. Thomae Aq. vitae fontes praecipuae (Alba, 1968); see BHL no. 8155; Kaeppeli II no. 611; also F. Pelster, ‘Die älteren Biographien des hl. Thomas von Aquino', Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie, 44 (1920), 242-74, at 250.

aa9v [Officium ad missam in festo s. Thomae de Aquino.] ‘In festo sancte Thome de Aquino ad missam officium'. Incipit: ‘[I]n medio ecclesie aperuit os eius . . .’

aa10v [Officium in translatione s. Thomae de Aquino.] ‘Officium in translatione beati Thome de Aquino. In primis vesperis super psalmos. Antiphona'. Incipit: ‘O quam felix mater Italia . . .’ The lessons are ‘Historia translationis', AASS t. 1 March (ed. 3, Paris, 1865), p. 737; BHL no. 8164.

aa11v Urbanus V, Pont. Max.: ‘Confirmatio et approbatio doctrine sancti doctoris Thome de Aquino' [addressed to] Thomas Aquinas and the people of Toulouse. Incipit: ‘[V]rbanus episcopus seruus seruorum . . . Laudabilis deus in sanctis suis . . .’ Dated Montefiascone, 31 Aug. 1368. See Kruitwagen 20.

aa11v Stephanus [de Bourret] Episcopus Parisiensis: ‘Epistola Vniuersitatis Parisiensis in fauorem doctrine sancti doctoris'.’ Dated ‘apud Bertiliacum' [i.e. Gentiliacum], ‘1325 die iouis ante cineres' [i.e. 14 Feb. 1325]. Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, ed. Denifle-Chatelain, 4 vols (Paris, 1891), II 280-2, no. 838; see Kruitwagen 21.

aa12r [Innocentius Vi, Pont. Max.: Quotation from a sermon by Innocentius VI, Pont. Max.] Incipit: ‘Innocentius papa in sermone. Ecce plusquam Salomon hic de sancto doctore Thoma de Aquino . . . ueritate suspectus' (7 lines).’ See Kruitwagen 21.

aa12v Pizamanus, Antonius: [Preface to the Opuscula, addressed to] Nicolaus Francus, Bishop of Treviso. Incipit: ‘[C]um ea sit reuerendissime presul animi nobilitas . . .’

a1r Thomas Aquinas: Contra errores Graecorum [addressed to] Urbanus IV, Pont. Max. Leonine XL (1969), Pars A, A71-105, on this edition A24 no. 3; see Torrell 123-4, 351.

b2r Thomas Aquinas: De rationibus fidei [addressed to] an unidentified cantor of Antioch. ‘Opusculum . . . continens declarationem quorundam articulorum fidei contra Grecos Armenos et Sarracenos'.’ Leonine XL (1968), Pars B, B57-73, on this edition B13 (= Ed2); see Torrell 124-5, 351-2.

b7r Thomas Aquinas: Compendium theologiae [addressed to] Raynaldus [de Piperno]. Leonine XLII (1979), 83-205, on this edition 18 no. 3 (= Ed3); see Torrell 164-6, 349-50.

g6r Thomas Aquinas: Collationes in decem precepta. ‘De duobus preceptis charitatis et decem legis preceptis'.’ J. P. Torrell, ‘Les Collationes in decem preceptis de saint Thomas d'Aquin. Édition critique avec introduction et notes', Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques, 69 (1985), 5-40 and 227-63; see Torrell 357-8.

h6v Thomas Aquinas: De articulis fidei et ecclesiae sacramentis [addressed to Leonardus], Archbishop of Palermo. ‘Tractatus eiusdem de articulis fidei et sacramentis ecclesie'.’ See T‑117; on this edition Leonine XLII (1979), 226 no. 24 (= Ed3).

i2r Thomas Aquinas: Collationes in Symbolum apostolorum. ‘Expositio super simbolo apostolorum'.’ Opuscula theologica, ed. Spiazzi (Turin, Marietti, 1954), II 193-217; see Torrell 71-2, 358.

k2r Thomas Aquinas: Collationes in orationem dominicam. ‘Expositio deuotissima orationis dominice scilicet Pater noster'.’ Leonine XLIV (forthcoming); Opuscula theologica, ed. Spiazzi (Turin, Marietti, 1954), II 221-35; see Torrell, 358. The author of the sermon on the first petition of the Pater is Aldobrandinus de Tuscanella; see B.-G. Guyot, ‘Aldobrandinus de Toscanella: source de la Ia Petitio des éditions du commentaire de S. Thomas sur le pater', Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 53 (1983), 175-201.

k6v Thomas Aquinas: Collationes in salutationem angelicam. ‘Expositio super salutatione angelica scilicet Aue Maria'.’ Opuscula theologica, ed. Spiazzi (Turin, Marietti, 1954), II 239-41; see Torrell, 358.

k7v Thomas Aquinas: Responsio ad magistrum Ioannem de Vercellis de 108 articulis [addressed to] Johannes Vercellensis, Master-general of the Dominican order. ‘Responsio ad fratrem Ioannem Vercellensem generalem magistrum ordinis Predicatorum de articulis centum et octo sumptis ex opere Petri de Tarantasio'.’ Leonine XLII (1979), 279-94, on this edition 267 no. 3 (= Ed3); see Torrell 167-9, 353.

l4r Thomas Aquinas: Responsio ad magistrum Ioannem de Vercellis de 43 articulis [addressed to] Johannes Vercellensis, OP. ‘Responsio . . . de articulis 42'.’ Leonine XLII (1979), 327-35; see Torrell 167-9, 354.

l6v Thomas Aquinas: Responsiones ad lectorem Venetum de 36 articulis [addressed to frater Baxianus of Lodi, lector at the Venetian priory c.1271, the date of this work]. ‘Responsio ad lectorem Venetum de articulis 36'.’ Leonine XLII (1979), 339-46; see Torrell 167-9, 354.

l8v Thomas Aquinas: Responsio ad lectorem Bisuntinum de 6 articulis [addressed to frater Gerardus, lector at the priory of Besançon c.1271]. Leonine XLII (1979), 355-56; see Torrell 167-9, 354-5.

m1r Thomas Aquinas: De differentia verbi divini et humani [extract from Lectura super Ioannem lectio I § 25-29]. Thomas Aquinas, Super Evangelium S. Ioannis lectura, ed. R. Cai (Turin, Marietti, 1952), 7-9; see Guyot 207.

m1v Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De natura verbi intellectus. Incipit: ‘Quoniam circa naturam uerbi intellectus sine quo imago . . .’ Explicit: et citius acquiritur’ See Guyot 207.

m3v Thomas Aquinas: De substantiis separatis [addressed to] Raynaldus [de Piperno]. ‘Tractatus . . . de substantiis separatis seu de angelorum natura'.’ Leonine XL (1968), Pars D, D41-80, on this edition D10 no. 3 (= Ed3); see Torrell 220-1, 350. Unfinished; the second part breaks off at chapter 20.

n7v Thomas Aquinas: De unitate intellectus contra Averroistas. Leonine XLIII (1976), 291-314, on this edition 255 no. 6 (= Ed3); see Torrell 348.

o8r Thomas Aquinas: Contra doctrinam retrahentium a religione. ‘Opus contra pestiferam doctrinam retrahentium homines a religionis ingressu'.’ Leonine XLI (1969), Pars C, C39-74, on this edition C10 no. 4 (= Ed4) and C20; see Torrell 84-90, 347-8.

q3r Thomas Aquinas: De perfectione spiritualis vitae. Leonine XLI (1969), Pars B, B69-111, on this edition B16 no. 4 (= Ed3) and B51-2; see Torrell 84-90, 347.

r8v ‘Rubrice sequentis operis'.

r8v ‘Argumentum in opus sequens'. Incipit: ‘[T]empore sancti Ludouici Francorum regis Vilhelmi de Sancto Amore . . .’ Explicit: disputauit firmauitque’

r8v Thomas Aquinas: Contra impugnantes dei cultum et religionem. Leonine XLI (1970), Pars A, A51-116, on this edition A17 no. 3 (= Ed2) and A38; see Torrell 79-84, 346-7. Preceded by a list of contents.

A1r Thomas Aquinas: De regno ad regem Cypri [addressed to] Hugh II of Lusignan. ‘Ad regem Cypri de regimine principum'.’ Leonine XLII (1979), 421-44, 449-71; see Torrell 169-71, 350. Thomas's work ends at chapter II 8,51; it was continued by Ptolomaeus Lucensis, who added 62 supplementary chapters, and it was divided into four books. The text is preceded by a list of contents. It ends: ‘ . . . est contra normam dicentis'.

E5r Thomas Aquinas: Epistola ad ducissam Brabantiae [addressed to Margaret of Constantinople], Countess of Flanders. ‘De regimine Iudeorum ad ducissam Brabantie'.’ Leonine XLII (1979), 360-78, on this edition 370 (Ed3); see Torrell 218-20, 355.

E6r Thomas Aquinas: De forma absolutionis [addressed to] Johannes Vercellensis, OP. Leonine XL (1968), Pars C, C1-47, on this edition C10 no. 3 (= Ed3) and C24; see Torrell 168, 353.

E8r Thomas Aquinas: Expositio super primam decretalem [addressed to] ‘archidiaconum Cudestinum' [Giffredus de Anagni, Archdeacon of Todi]. Leonine XL (1968), Pars E, E30-39, on this edition E8 no. 3 (= Ed2); see Torrell 125-6, 352.

F3v Thomas Aquinas: Expositio super secundam decretalem [addressed to] ‘archidiaconum Cudestinum' [Giffredus de Anagni]. Leonine XL (1968), Pars E, E40-4; see Torrell 125-6, 352.

F4v Thomas Aquinas: Liber de sortibus ad dominum Jacobum de Tonengo. The dedicatee is called Jacobus de Burgo in the incunable; Leonine 207-8 suggests that this bears some relation to Borgo di Cocconato, 5 kilometres from Tonengo. Leonine XLIII (1976), 229-38; see Torrell 215-17, 353-4.

F7v Thomas Aquinas: De iudiciis astrorum [addressed to] Raynaldus [de Piperno]. Leonine XLIII (1976), 201, on this edition 195 no. 5 (= Ed3); see Torrell 215, 356.

F8r Thomas Aquinas: De aeternitate mundi. ‘De eternitate mundi contra murmurantes'.’ Leonine XLIII (1976), 85-9, on this edition 64 no. 3 (= Ed3) and 80; see Torrell 184-7, 348.

G1r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-; Albertus Magnus]: De fato. Incipit: ‘[Q]ueritur de fato an sit . . .'; explicit: ‘ . . . contemplationis bonorum'.’ Albertus Magnus, Opera (1651); Opera (1890); see Guyot 207.

G4r Thomas Aquinas [Pseudo]: De principio individuationis. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam due sunt in homine potentie cognoscitiue . . .’ expl: earum subiectum’ See Guyot 207.

G5r Thomas Aquinas: De ente et essentia. Leonine XLIII (1976), 369-81, on this edition 333 no. 9 (= Ed3); see Torrell 47-8, 348-9.

H1r Thomas Aquinas: De principiis naturae ad fratrem Sylvestrum. Leonine XLIII (1976), 39-47, on this edition 13 no. 5 (= Ed3) and 27-8; see Torrell 48-9, 349; Guyot 207.

H3r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De natura materiae. De dimensionibus indeterminatis. ‘De natura materie et dimensionibus interminatis'.’ De Natura materiae attributed to St Thomas Aquinas, ed. J. M. Wyss, Textus Philosophici Friburgensis, 3 (Fribourg, 1953), 83-131; see Guyot 207. For the presence of these two treatises together in this edition see the editorial note on N4v.

H7v Thomas Aquinas: De mixtione elementorum [addressed to] Philippus de Castro Caeli. Leonine XLIII (1976), 155-7, on this edition 144 no. 5 (= Ed3) and 150-1; see Torrell 213-14, 355; Guyot 207.

H8v Thomas Aquinas: De operationibus occultis naturae ad quendam militem ultramontanum. Leonine XLIII (1976), 183-6, on this edition 168 no. 3 (= Ed3) and 175-6; see Torrell 214-15, 356.

I1v Thomas Aquinas: De motu cordis [addressed to] Philippus de Castro Caeli. Leonine XLIII (1976), 127-30, on this edition 103 no. 4 (= Ed3) and 117-18; see Torrell 213-14, 355-6.

I2v Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De instantibus. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam omnem durationem concomitatur instans . . . a quo omnia bona sunt qui est deus . . . a quo omnia bona sunt . . .’ See Guyot 207.

I4v Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De quatuor oppositis. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam quattuor sunt oppositiones . . . in tribus generibus . . .’ See Guyot 207.

I8r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De demonstratione. Incipit: ‘[A]d habendum cognitionem demonstratione . . .’ Explicit: circulariter augetur’ See Guyot 207.

I8v Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: Fallacie. Leonine XLIII (1976), 385-400, 403-18; on the title and latest views on authorship see Leonine I* (editio altera 1989) 56*–64*; see also Torrell 11 and 359 and Guyot 207.

K6r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De propositionibus modalibus. Leonine XLIII (1976), 385-400, 421-2; see Torrell 11 and 359; Guyot 207.

K7r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De natura accidentis. Incipit: ‘Quoniam omnis cognitio humana . . .’ expl: de homine species predicatur’ See Guyot 207.

K8r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De natura generis. Incipit: ‘quoniam omnis creatura generis limitibus . . .’ Explicit: effectus et terminus actionis’ See Guyot 207.

M1r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De potentiis animae. ‘De principiis anime'.’ Incipit: ‘[U]t adiutorium homini collatum et progressum . . .’ Explicit: uoluntati subduntur ut uisum est’ See Guyot 207.

M5r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De tempore. Incipit: ‘[S]icut uult philosophus secundo metaphysice . . .’ Explicit: de necessitate differunt abinuicem’ See Guyot 208: a miscellaneous work extracted from Thomas, Super IV physicorum, and Albertus Magnus.

M8r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-; Thomas de Sutton]: Contra pluralitatem formarum. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sanctum est honorare ueritatem . . .’ S. Thomae Aquinatis Opuscula omnia, ed. P. Mandonnet (Paris, 1927), V 308-46; see Kaeppeli no. 3870; Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 1838; Guyot 208.

N4v [Pizamanus, Antonius: Editorial note.] It explains that booklet no. 46, De dimensionibus indeterminatis is actually placed after booklet no. 32, De natura materiae, on H3r.

N4v Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De natura syllogismorum. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam scire est causam rei cognoscere . . .’ Explicit: sequitur ad necessarium’ See Guyot 208.

N6r [Pizamanus, Antonius: Editorial note.] It explains that booklet no. 48, Summa totius logicae, could not be found by the editor.

N6r Thomas Aquinas: De sensu respectu singularium et intellectu respectu universalium [extract from Sententia Libri de anima, lib. II cap. XII, 65-151]. ‘De sensu respectu singularium et intellectu respectu uniuersalium'.’ Leonine XLV/1 (1984), 115-16; see Torrell 341, 360; Guyot 208.

N6r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De inventione medii. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam principium syllogizandi . . .’ Explicit: et sequitur hominem’ See Guyot 208.

N6v Thomas Aquinas: De natura luminis [extract from Sententia Libri de anima, lib. II cap. XIV, 325-87]. Leonine XLV/1 (1984), 29-130; see Guyot 208.

N7v Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De natura loci. Incipit: ‘[A]d sciendum naturam loci considerare . . .’ Explicit: per diuersas formales rationes’ See Guyot 208: a miscellaneous work extracted from Thomas, Super IV physicorum, and Albertus Magnus.

N8v [Pizamanus, Antonius: Editorial note.]

O1r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De intellectu et intelligibili. Incipit: ‘[S]ciendum est quod de racione eius quod est intelligere . . . quecunque secundum predicacionem'.’ See Guyot 208. P. G. F. Rossi, Antiche e nuove edizioni degli opuscoli di San Tommaso d'Aquino e il problema della loro autenticità, Monografie del Collegio Alberoni, 12 (Piacenza, 1955): also found in De potentia q. 9 a. 5; q. 9 a. 9; q. 8 a. 1; in Summa I: q. 79 a. 10 ad 3; q. 27 a. 1; q. 34 a. 1 ad 2; q. 27 a. 4 c. et ad 2; q. 14 a. 4; q. 85 a. 11 ad 2; q. 59 a. 1 ad 1; and Comm. Metaphys. lib. 1, lect. 2.

O1v Thomas Aquinas: De quo est et quod est [extract from Super libros Sententiarum, dist. 8, qu. 5, art. 2]. Incipit: ‘[I]n omnibus in quibus est compositio . . . emendari potuisset'.’ Scriptum super Sententiis, ed. P. Mandonnet, 2 vols (Paris, 1929) [Books I, II]; see Torrell 332; Guyot 208.

O2r [Pizamanus, Antonius: Editorial note on the authorship of the following works.]

O2r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: Primus tractatus de universalibus. Incipit: ‘[C]irca uniuersalia multiplex . . . intentionum'.’ See Guyot 208.

O4r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: Secundus tractatus de universalibus. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam dicit Aristotelis primo posteriorum . . . scientiis procedatur'.’ See Guyot 208.

O5r [Introduction to Officium Corporis Christi.] ‘Ex cronica que appellatur supplementum cronicarum'. Incipit: ‘Urbanus papa quartus pontificatu suscepto . . .’

O5v Thomas Aquinas: Officium de festo Corporis Christi. See Torrell 129-31, 357.

O7r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-; Albertus Magnus pseudo-]: De venerabili sacramento altaris ad modum sermonum [also known as: Sermones de eucharistiae sacramento]. Albertus Magnus, Opera (1651), XIIa 249-300; Opera (1890), XIII 669-797 (Sermo I–XVII, XIX, XVIII, XX–XXXII). On the authorship see Glorieux, Répertoire, 14fe (Thomas Aquinas), 6cr (Albertus Magnus), 305bx (Bonaventura), 349n (Bertrand de la Tour d.1332); G. G. Meerseman, Introductio in opera omnia beati Alberti Magni (Bruges, 1931), 113-16; Joseph Kramp, ‘Albert der Grosse und die “Sermones de ss. eucharistiae sacramento”  ’, Gregorianum, 3 (1922), 239-53; Guyot 208; Distelbrink no. 206; Schneyer, Repertorium, V 608-12.

R5r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De venerabili sacramento altaris ad modum decem praedicamentorum. ‘De sacramento eucharistie ad modum decem predicamentorum'.’ Incipit: ‘[M]emoriam fecit mirabilium suorum misericors et miserator dominus escam dedit timentibus se. Esca ista de qua loquitur hic psalmus non inconuenienter intelligitur . . . uiuos et mortuos. Hunc tractatum fecit eximius . . .’ Explicit: respiciebat deo gratias’ See Guyot 208; Glorieux, Répertoire, 14fe; Distelbrink no. 206.

S1r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De humanitate Christi. Incipit: ‘[C]hristus Iesus uenit in hunc mundum . . . innouabitur et homo glorificabitur'.’ See Guyot 208.

X1v Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-; Helvicus Teutonicus]: De dilectione dei et proximi. Incipit: ‘[M]agister quod est mandatum maximum . . .’ Explicit: sponsum diuine charitatis’ See Kaeppeli II 179-80 no. 1700; Guyot 208.

AA1v Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De divinis moribus. Incipit: ‘[P]erfecti estote sicut et pater uester celestis perfectus est. In sacra scriptura nichil nobis impossibile consulitur . . .’ Explicit: ipse solus scit numerum electorum. amen’ See Guyot 208.

AA4r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De beatitudine. Incipit: ‘[B]eati qui habitant in domo . . .’ Explicit: abundantia glorie tue’ See Guyot 208.

BB3v Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-; Matthaeus de Cracovia]: De modo confitendi et puritate conscientiae. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam fundamentum et ianua virtutum . . . gloria tua ad quam nos perducat ipse deus qui vivit . . .’ Often attributed to Thomas Aquinas or Bonaventura; see Glorieux, Répertoire, 14(fg) and 305(dn); Michaud-Quantin 79-80; Guyot 208; and VL VI 172-82.

CC2r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De officio sacerdotis. Incipit: ‘[Q]uia sacerdotis officium . . . quales descripti sunt qui cum patre et filio . . .’ See Guyot 208.

CC6r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-; Richardus de Wedinghausen]: De canone missae. PL CLXXVII 455-69 (attributed to John of Cornwall), chapters I‑IX, some text missing in chapter VIII; see Guyot 208; Glorieux, Répertoire, 14ed (attributed to Thomas Aquinas); Sharpe, Latin Writers, 499-501 no. 1366 ‘Richard the Premonstratensian'.

CC8r Thomas Aquinas: De emptione et venditione ad tempus [addressed to] Jacobus de Viterbo, conventual lector at Florence c.1262, the date of this letter. Leonine XLII (1979), 393-4; see Torrell 122-3, 351; Guyot 208.

CC8r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De modo studendi. ‘Epistola exhortatoria sancte Thome ad quemdam in qua proponit idoneum modum salubriter acquirendi scientiam siue humanam siue diuinam'.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]uia quesiuisti a me in Christo mihi carissime Jo[hanne] qualiter te studere oporteat . . . quod affectas'.’ See Guyot 208.

CC8v Thomas Aquinas: Expositio libri Boetii de ebdomadibus. Leonine L (1992), 267-82; on this edition see the text below; see Torrell 68, 345-6; Guyot 208.

DD4r Thomas Aquinas: Super Boetium de trinitate. ‘Questiones super librum Boetii de trinitate'.’ Leonine L (1992), 75-171, on this edition 14 no. 3 (= Ed3) and 51; see Torrell 67-8, 345; Guyot 208.

GG1r ‘Tabula earundem questionum'.

GG1r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: De virtutibus et vitiis. ‘De uiciis et uirtutibus numero quaternario procedens'.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]uatuor sunt uirtutum species . . . uilis penuria et infirmitas'.’ S. Thomae Aquinatis opera omnia, ed. R. Busa (Stuttgart, 1980), VII 718-20; see Guyot 208; Glorieux, Répertoire, 14ee; Bloomfield 4455.

GG3v ‘Tabula concordantiarum'.

GG4r Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]: Concordantiae “Pertransibunt plurimi”. ‘De concordantiis in quo concordat seipsum in passibus apparenter contrariis'.’ Incipit: ‘[P]ertransibunt plurimi et multiplex . . . in prima parte summe'.’ See Guyot 208.

GG7r [Colophon.]

GG7v ‘Tabula summe opusculorum'.


Imprint: Venice: Hermannus Liechtenstein, 7 Sept. 1490. 4°.


Collation: aa12 a–v8 x12 A–Z AA–GG8 HH12.


ISTC: it00258000

Hain: HC *1541;

Goff: Goff T‑258;

BMC: BMC V 358;

Proctor: Pr 4793;

Others: BSB‑Ink T‑236; CIBN T‑112; Michelitsch 216; Sack, Freiburg, 3382; Sheppard 3941-2.

LCN: 14269702


Copy number: T-140(1)

Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century Italian gold-tooled green morocco; bound for Boutourlin; red-edged leaves; pink pastedowns; pink silk bookmark.

Size: 246 × 190 × 65 mm.

Size of leaf: 235 × 167 mm.

Occasional marginal notes, extracting key words and providing corrections to the text, in a contemporary humanist hand in brown ink, probably Benivieni's.

Provenance: Domenico Benivieni (1460-1507); inscription on aa1r: ‘Liber hic est Dominici Beniuenij'. Florence, Dominicans, S. Marcus; inscription on the same leaf: ‘Liber conuentus sancti Marci de Florentia habitus(?) a magistro Dominico Beniuenio pro libreria nouitiorum | Ex Biblioteca Nouitiorum'; also ‘Fratris N. S.' in the same early hand, brown ink. Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763-1829); armorial book-plate and shelfmark no. 454; see Catalogue (1831); purchased at his sale for £2. 2. 0: see sale catalogue (1840), lot 155, and Books Purchased (1841), 2.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 7Q 4.52.

Copy number: T-140(2)

The second and third sheets of gathering H, both signed H2, are bound in reverse order; the mistake has been noted in a sixteenth-century hand.

Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, two clasps and catches lost; rebacked in the seventeenth/eighteenth century with pigskin. Two rectangular brown leather labels with gilt title and editor's name at the head of the spine. On the upper cover, triple fillets form a double frame. Within the outer frame a repeated lozenge-shaped decorative stamp. A double set of diagonal triple fillets divides the inner rectangle into four triangular compartments, each decorated with the decorative stamp, a repeated headed-outline tool, and repeated curved-line stamps; green-edged leaves.

Size: 255 × 190 × 80 mm.

Size of leaf: 247 × 168 mm.

A few marginal notes, mainly providing corrections and ‘nota' marks, in an early humanist hand, probably German, in brown ink. On HH12r: ‘C. IV M (?)' in light brown ink.

Initials, paragraph marks, and chapter heading underlining are supplied in red; capital strokes in red.

Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘2725' on the front pastedown and ‘Dupl' on aa1r, both in pencil. Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 5Q 5.5.

Copy number: T-140(3)

Binding: Contemporary German (Regensburg: S. Emmeramus; Schwenke–Schunke–Rabenau 21: Bamberg, ‘Blumentopf' 31 und 33) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards; two metal clasps and catches, corner-pieces, and four-petalled centre-piece. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of the lower cover. Strips from thirteenth-century(?) manuscripts on parchment are visible in the binding. On the upper cover, quadruple fillets form a quadruple frame. Within the outer frame a repeated rectangular dragon stamp. Within the following frame, a repeated square flowerpot stamp (Schunke–Schwenke 78 no. 33). Within the following frame circular stamps of the four evangelists at each corner, a circular stamp containing the arms of S. Emmeramus, and a square foliate staff stamp. Diagonal quadruple fillets divide the inner rectangle into four triangular compartments, with a circular six-petalled flower stamp at each corner. On the lower cover, quadruple fillets form a double frame. Within the outer frame a repeated lozenge-shaped dragon stamp. Diagonal quadruple fillets divide the inner rectangle into four triangular compartments, each decorated with a large rosette stamp and three lozenge-shaped unicorn stamps; yellow-edged leaves.

Size: 255 × 180 × 90 mm.

Size of leaf: 243 × 177 mm.

Contemporary manuscript title on the front pastedown: ‘Opuscula S. Thome', in brown ink. Occasional structuring of the text with arabic numerals in brown ink.

Principal initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue with red pen-work decoration. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue.

Provenance: Regensburg, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Emmeramus; inscription on aa1v: ‘Monasterij S. Emmeramj'. Albert Ehrman (1890-1969); armorial book-plate; purchased in 1928 for £25; accession no. ‘1187'. Presented in 1978 by John Ehrman.

SHELFMARK: Broxb. 81.1.

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