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Bod-Inc: V-017

Valerius Maximus, Gaius

Facta et dicta memorabilia (comm. Omnibonus Leonicenus, ed. Raphael Regius).


Analysis of Content

a1r [Omnibonus Leonicenus pseudo-; Pallacinus: Commentary on Facta et dicta memorabilia.] Incipit: ‘  “[U]rbis Romae exterarumque gentium” [V. Max. 1. 1. 1] primo quidem domestica dicta . . .’ The colophon on D10r names Leonicenus as author of the commentary. Oliverius Arzignanensis, however, in his preface to the Venice: Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, 8 Mar. 1487 edition of Valerius Maximus (see V‑019), reveals that Omnibonus' son, Jacobus, had protested against the false ascription of the commentary to his father and that Omnibonus' student, Johannes Calphurnius, had rejected the request to edit the forgery for the press. The real author seems to have been Pallacinus of Brescia, criticized by Calphurnius, but defended by Johannes Britannicus in his commentary on Persius' satires, Venice: Bartholomaeus de Ragazonibus, 17 Jan. 1492/3 (see P‑144). The ascription to Leonicenus was rejected by Remigio Sabbadini, ‘Nuove notizie e nuovi documenti su Ognibene de' Bonisoli Leoniceo', Antologia veneta, 1 (1900), 11-26 and 174-89. See also especially Monfasani,`Calfurnio's Identification', 35 and notes 11 and 14; CTC V 360-4 and 369.

a2r Valerius, Maximus, [Gaius]: ‘Prologus' [dedicating the work to] Tiberius Caesar. V. Max. Proem.

a2v Valerius, Maximus, [Gaius]: Facta et dicta memorabilia. ‘De cultu deorum'. V. Max.

D10r [Colophon.] ‘Opus Valerii Maximi cum Omniboni Leoniceni . . .’ See above.

[*1r] [Table.] ‘Rubrice'. Incipit: ‘Capitula primi libri. De religione . . .’

[*2v] ‘Registrum Valerii'.

[*3r] Regius, Raphael: [Letter addressed to] Antonius Moretus. CTC V 362. Regius refers to his editorial work on Leonicenus' commentary in the first sentence. In the original version this preface is addressed to Bernardus Martinengus but in this edition his name has been replaced with that of Antonius Moretus, who must have played some role in the production of this edition; see Monfasani, ‘First Call', 29; CTC V 360-2.

[*3v] [Vita Valerii Maximi.] Incipit: ‘[V]alerius Maximus patricius Romanus fuit . . .’ See CTC V 362.


Imprint: [Venice]: Johannes de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, et Socii, 18 June 1482. Folio.


Collation: a–n8 o6 p q8 r6 s8 t4 u x8 y4 z8 &6 [con]10 [rum] A6 B8 C6 D10 [*4].


ISTC: iv00033000

Hain: HC 15786;

Goff: Goff V‑33;

BMC: BMC V 339;

Proctor: Pr 4499;

Others: CIBN V‑23; Sheppard 3874.

LCN: 14802657


Copy number: V-017(1)

Gathering [*] bound at the beginning. The letter of Raphael Regius on [*3r] is headed ‘Raphael Regius Antonio Moreto salutem' in Copinger. The heading on a1r is printed in black ink.

Binding: Blind-tooled calf, c.1700, in Cambridge style. Title in gilt on tan leather label on spine. Sprinkled red- and brown-edged leaves.

Size: 306 × 215 × 45 mm.

Size of leaf: 296 × 195 mm.

Frequent marginal notes in a contemporary north European hand, mainly supplying three dots and tail, and some gathering signatures.

On a1r a six-line initial is supplied in blue with reserved white decoration. Elsewhere initials and paragraph marks are supplied in blue or red, and headlines (numbers of books and subject headings), capital strokes, and underlining in red.

Provenance: Cropped signature on [*1r]. Richard Furney (†1753); given by Furney in 1755, according to ‘Catalogus Bibliothecae Novae', fol. 82r and Benefactors' Register II.

SHELFMARK: Auct. N 4.3.

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